Trends and technology
News from the bomatic world

20. March 2012

Trail run of Rotacrex successfully

Erfolgreicher Feldversuch unserer Rotacrex

Thank you very much for your visit of our trial run of our Rotacrex last week

27. February 2012

Trial run with Rotacrex in biogas plant

Großversuch der Rotacrex in Biogasanlage

Nachdem erfolgreich Elektronikschrott, Dosenschrott, Patronen und Katalysatoren mit unserem Vertikalshredder Rotacrex R1200 zerkleinert wurden, steht nun die letzte Testreihe in einer Biogasanlage an. Derzeit wird die Maschine südlich von Hamburg betrieben, hauptsächlich werden hier Maissilage, Zuckerrüben und Kuhmist verarbeitet. Die Rotacrex wird über Riementrieb mit 75 kW Motorleistung angetrieben, wir erreichen z.B. bei Zuckerrüben eine Durchsatzleistung von ca. 9 t/h, die nach der Zerkleinerung als Brei ausgetragen werden! Gerne können Sie sich vor Ort von unserer Rotacrex überzeugen, bitte kontaktieren Sie zur Terminabsprache unsere Frau Böttcher unter 04106-7672-31.

21. December 2011

New shredders in Spain

neue Zopfzerkleinerung in Spanien

Seit Juli 2011 werden auch in Spanien mit unseren bomatic B1350DD Zöpfe aus dem Papierrecyling zerkleinert.

21. December 2011

RFS-plant for Spain

EBS-Anlage für Spanien

2011 we installed a complete plant for production of fluff next to Barcelona. We granulate with our granulator from type Unicrex U2100 to 80 mm material, afterwards to about 30 mm by pellet press. The plant has a throughput capacity of 8-10 t/h, depending on input material

21. April 2011

Shredding machine for biowaste

Zerkleinerungsmaschine für Bioabfall

The start up of a new bomatic Shredding machine type B1200DD for shredding of biowaste was realized beginning of April. The throughput capacity of this machine will be about 15 t/h. As all machines for these area contains this machine a movable cutter module, so there is easy access to the machine and cutter/shaft changing could be done in very short time

21. April 2011

Vertical shredder for testing

Vertikalshredder Rotacrex zum Testen

Our vertical shredder Type Rotacrex R1200 is ready for testing since beginning of march and different materials have been tested. The machine has an impact chamber diameter of 1200 mm and a height of 1200 mm, driven by 75 kW. The throughput capacity and and the output size will be influenced by the height of the chamber outlet. Tested have been printers, small electric units, MBA-scrap, RDF and wood. We are looking for further contact. More information you will find under new development on this homepage.

11. November 2010

good mood on ECOMONDO 2010

Gute Stimmung auf der ECOMONDO 2010

bomatic was exhibiting together with Pigozzo Ambiente at ECOMONDO 2010 in Rimini and presented the new 4-shaft shredder type bomatic B4WV. The 4-shaft shredder fullfills the sortiment of bomatic shredding machines and we are able to produce granulates economically, extremely important for the italian market. Thank you very much to the team of Pigozzo Ambiente for the good support and the fantastic food.

13. October 2010

…. more about IFAT 2010

Fortsetzung IFAT 2010

High interests our vistors was about our new developed 4-shaft shredder with hole sieve. The cutting process is repeated as long as the parts are small enough to pass the sieve. The machine is available in two sizes, our B4WV with 2x11 kW (opening 590x576 mm) and our B4WS with 2x22 kW (opening 980x840 mm). The advantage of the machine? Changing of complete cutter shafts is possible and the cutter shafts are among themselves exchangeable! We are looking forward to your enquiries...

13. October 2010

Successful product introduction on IFAT 2010

Erfolgreiche Produkteinführung auf der IFAT 2010

At the IFAT 2010 it was possible to visit two prototypes, our ROTACREX and our new 4-shaft shredder type bomatic B4WV. High interests was about our vertical shredder Rotacrex. On the floor of this machine a percussion tool turns at a very high speed. The material, which should be shred, comes into contact with the percussion tool and is broken up by the high impact energy. In the moment we are installing the machine here in Ellerau and will be ready for tests at the end of November

23. August 2010

Vertical Shredder Rotacrex IFAT 2010

Vertikalshredder Rotacrex auf IFAT 2010

We look forward to presenting our vertical shredder Rotacrex on IFAT 2010. The prototyp can be tested after the exhibition. We would like to show you our innovative machinery personally, therefore please visit us in hall C2, 203/302.