Trends and technology
News from the bomatic world

21. May 2021

Video about tire reycling plant is online

For 8 months our shredding plant for producing of approx. 100 mm shreds has been running successfully now, finally the movie about the plant is ready now 😊. The heart of the system is our rotor shear of the type bomatic B1100DD, which powerfully crushes the tires. Too large pieces are separated via a sieve and fed back into the rotor shear. See here for your information:


31. March 2021

25 years bomatic

..for 25 years now everything has revolved around shredding machines at bomatic and we were able to deliver great machines for exciting input materials. Many thanks to our loyal customers, some have been with us all the time. We are very proud we are trusted again and again and we look forward to the next 25 years 😊

17. February 2021

Rotacrex R1200 for digestion of horse dung

Vertikalshredder Rotacrex zum Aufschluss von Pferdemist

For this task our vertical shredder type Rotacrex R1200 is being used in collaboration with LP Energy GmbH. In this plant is biogas produced out of horse dung and upgraded to fuel later.

As horse dung is quite long fibre, it has to be pre-cut by our Rotacrex R1200 bevor it is fed into the digester. The Rotacrex is fed by a dosing container, the shredded material is being pumped via a fluid entry into the digester.

In order to cut the wet and sticky material with the needed throughput capacity, the machine was delivered with 90 kW. The outlet opening can be adjusted to the needed output size, as it is with all our vertical shredders.

Dosing unit and shredder could be supplied as one unit and being used together several times. Please contact us for more information or

12. January 2021

… bomatic wishes a healty start to the new year…

Granulatorwelle Typ Unicrex U1700

…the year starts for us with completion and delivery of a granulator type Unicrex U1700. The machine will be used for granulation of tire shreds and wire into 15 mm final size. The Unicrex U1700 granulator is a very sturdy one-shaft shredder, driven by 160 kW. Under the shaft is placed a sieve, which ensures a constant granulation result. More machines will follow…

21. December 2020

Merry Christmas

Vertikalshredder Rotacrex Typ R1200 zum Aufschluß von Festmist

…This year we have chosen a versatile Christmas tree…

The bomatic team wishes merry Christmas and an optimistic start into 2021.


Please note, we are closed from 24.12.2020 – 04.01.2021. In urgent cases you could reach us under 0049-171-2711918

6. November 2020

New shredding plant for tires

Zerkleinerungsanlage zur Zerkleinerung von Altreifen

A new bomatic shredding plant for production of 100×100 mm tire shreds is running since two months successfully. The heart of the plant is our two-shaft shredder bomatic B1000DD, which cuts the tires the first time.  A following sieve separates the parts bigger than 100 mm, they will get cut again by the two-shaft shredder. Shreds smaller 100×100 mm will be transported out of  for further treatment. If smaller shreds are necessary, it is possible to change the hole sieve in the sieve.

Technical details of  the plant:

Throughput capacity:                     Output min. 4 t/h with 100 mm sieve

Power bomatic B1000DD:            2 x 37,5 kW

Power total plant:                           ca. 100 kW

9. September 2020

Tower construction – space-saving and double shredding

Zwei Rotorscheren, übereinandergebaut zum Erzielen von kleinen Korngrößen

If small product sizes are needed and tight space conditions are available only, it is possible to build our two-shaft shredders on top of each other.

This tower construction has just been delivered to Brazil, where a final grain size of about 10 mm is needed.  Therefore, the upper cutter module is fitted with 12 mm cutters for pre-cutting and the lower cutter module with 9 mm cutters for granulation.

If you have special tasks or projects, please feel free to ask us under We are looking forward to receiving exciting projects, which have to be built after customer’s needs.

21. August 2020

Two new DryWaste Shredder

Rotorschere bomatic DS4 lang zur Zerkleinerung von Schiffsabfällen

Completion of two further DryWaste shredding machines of our type bomatic DS4 lang. They will be installed on a new cruise ship, which is being build in the moment. Our robust two-shaft shredder have been installed on cruise ship for more than 15 years now and they shred ship waste very reliably. However, not only DryWaste is being shred with our shredders, the foodwaste is pretreated with our shredders for a following drying process. More than 200 shredders type bomatic B400D are being used for shredding of the foodwaste and take care of reducing the amount of waste.

12. June 2020

Two-shaft shredder for IBC’s and drums

Rotorschere bomatic B1350S zur Zerkleinerung von IBC's und Gebinden

Wether with quarantine or not, even in these days the bomatic service people are traveling around in order to install our machines. So, another two-shaft shedder from type bomatic B1350S was installed in Spain, even it was not clear, if the people has to go into two weeks quarantine, when returning from Spain. Luckily, they hadn’t to go, because the guidelines were changed, when they came back 😉

The special feature of the machine is the hydraulic ram, which pushes into the hopper vertically from the top. Bulky containers, like IBC’S will be pushed from the top into the cutter module, so they have no chance to “dance” on the cutters without being teared into the cutter module.

Technical data of the machine:

Power: 75 kW with frequency converter, cutter module opening; 1.350 x 900 mm, cutter width: 56 mm, vertical hydraulic ram, total weight: 12.000 kg

27. April 2020

Granulator Unicrex U2100 for tire granulating

Granulator Unicrex U2100 zur Reifengranulierung

The bomatic team is working in these difficult times nearly as normal and we are able to do necessary cutter changings and repairing as far as possible under observance of the rules of hygiene. Thank you very much again to the bomatic team, you are fantastic!

We just finished the production of our granulator type Unicrex U2100, which is on the way to the customer now, where the machine will granulate tyre shreds. Our Unicrex U2100 is with a cutter module length of 2.100 mm our biggest granulator, driven by 250 kW and with a total weight of 27t. Cutter module and hopper could be opened hydraulically, which results in maximum service accessibility. Rotor and stator cutters could be reached easily and changed fast. No climbing into the machine is necessary in order to change the cutters.