Do you know the new video about our vertical shredder type Rotacrex R1200 for micro-shredding of difficult substrates for biogas plants?
By opening this link
you are able to watch the function and the performance of our Rotacrex R1200 impressively.
This video was created from our partner PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH, they are integrating our vertical shredder for more than three years in their biogas plants successfully. Difficult substrates such as grass, straw or manure is shredded efficiently for optimum gas release, which as a result provides a higher gas yield.
It is possible to integrate low cost raw materials in the substrate mix without compromising the gas yield.
More information you could find on the homepage of PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH under or you contact our Mrs. Böttcher under 0049-4106-7672-31 directly.